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How to Control Racing Thoughts

Racing thoughts can be mental torture. Ruminating is exhausting and stressful. You are never at peace while your mind is continuously in gear. Before you discover ways to control your racing thoughts, it’s necessary to know the source of your overactive mind....

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Warning: ADHDer in Hyperfocus Mode

There should be a warning sign near our desks: Danger- Do Not Disturb. ADHDer in Hyperfocus. Get out of our way, do not speak to us, give us a command, ask us a question, or come near us when we are in hyperfocus. In other words, stay away and leave us alone. Sad, but...

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5 Things to Remember When Talking to a Person with ADHD

Most conversations are hard. I'm not talking about the problematic talks (about money, jobs, or where you want to live). I'm talking about the little conversations you have throughout the day. The talks you have when you get home from work. The discussions about what...

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This is the toughest thing about ADHD

This is the toughest thing about ADHD

There’s one really tough thing about having ADHD. It's a secret that only another ADHDer understands. No matter how hard you try, you can’t explain it to anyone else. It happens throughout the day, every day. I’m talking about bumping into walls all day. No, not...

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Are You Tired of Feeling Exhausted?

Are You Tired of Feeling Exhausted?

Have you been feeling exhausted lately? Fatigue is a harsh reality when you have ADHD. Some days you wake up so exhausted you feel like you're carrying a pack of bricks on your back. The fog in your head doesn't clear until you've had two cups of coffee, a cold...

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My Crazy New  Cure for Anxiety

My Crazy New Cure for Anxiety

One day last week I felt a dreaded cycle of anxiety coming on. You know how it goes. One small thought gets stuck in your mind, then it sticks and grows until you're buried under it and you can't get out. I call it the thought-valanche because it's an avalanche in the...

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Avoiding Something Won’t Make It Go Away

Avoiding Something Won’t Make It Go Away

Avoidance can be a major problem for a person with ADHD. When things are difficult, uncomfortable, or anxiety-producing; we pretend they don't exist and hope they'll go away so we don't have to deal with them. We avoid filing taxes, paying bills, projects or...

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8 Holiday Stressors and How to Fix Them

8 Holiday Stressors and How to Fix Them

Oh yay! It's holiday time. Parties, family get-togethers, shopping, gift giving, meal planning, travel and lots of visitors. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Well, not so much if you have ADHD. While everyone else is joyful, holidays bring up a lot of discomfort for an...

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ADHD is Real

ADHD is Real

PLEASE TAKE MY ADHD SERIOUSLY During a recent checkup, I was talking to my allergy doctor, telling him about my work with ADHD. I noticed his eyebrows lifting, and his lips started to curl. I asked him, "You do believe ADHD is real, don't you?" He gave me that look...

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Nobody wants to believe their brain is different

Nobody wants to believe their brain is different

I always knew I was different. When I was a child, I knew the answers before the other kids did, but I wasn't confident enough to raise my hand. I was two steps ahead of the lesson. I stared out the classroom window and got lost in the trees, but I always came back...

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How to NOT spend money (you don’t have)

How to NOT spend money (you don’t have) Impulse control is a major problem when you have ADHD. If not properly controlled, the consequences are severe. If you can’t regulate your actions, thoughts, and speech; your life can get messy....

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Let's love each other

Let's love each other

When bad things happen in the world, there is an intense feeling of helplessness. If you have ADHD, images from TV and words from articles you read stick with you for days.

You sit helplessly with an overpowering feeling of discomfort. You go about your day; preparing meals, going to work, taking care of children, running errands, but there’s a black cloud that follows you everywhere you do. How could people be so evil? How could anyone do something so horrendous? What is wrong with the world?
Drowning in sadness, you think there is nothing you can do. But, you can do something.

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Q&A about ADHD

Q&A about ADHD

I recently discovered; a question and answer site where you can ask an expert anything. I'm pleased to announce that I am the top "Most Viewed Writer" for Attention Deficit Disorder and Adult ADHD (two separate categories). It's been an enlightening...

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Are People with ADHD Hard to Love?

Are People with ADHD Hard to Love?

It's a fact; a person with ADHD is hard to love. You never know what to say. It's like walking through a minefield. You tiptoe around; unsure which step (or word) will be the one that sets off an explosion of emotion. It's something you try to avoid. That's the first...

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Am I an enabler or a compassionate mom?

Am I an enabler or a compassionate mom?

This was an email chat I had with my daughter this week.  Hi Mom, I know I'm trying to be good with my money and avoid asking you for help but I really really need it this time. I don't get paid until Friday and I have no gas or food. I am up in the north office today...

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Latest ADHD News & A Smoking Chimp

Latest ADHD News & A Smoking Chimp

Hi Friends! Is that chimpanzee smoking? I didn't know it when I took the picture.  When I put it on my computer, there he was, smoking away. Well anyway, I hope you're having a great summer hanging out with your friends, soaking up some sun, and taking vacation time....

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7 Ways to Take Control of Your Mind

7 Ways to Take Control of Your Mind

In the last blog, I talked about the benefits of mind control and how we distract ourselves when the negative voice gets too loud. Hopefully by now you are ready to receive the "how-to" steps for silencing that voice and taking back control of your mind. For those of...

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Stop Negative Thoughts- 5 Benefits of Mind Control

Stop Negative Thoughts- 5 Benefits of Mind Control

Those nasty negative thoughts. That silent voice in your head. Heart-pounding anxiety. Worried thoughts that morph into frightening scenarios. Terrifying visions stuck in your head that won't go away. Negative thoughts are unpleasant, scary, and the cause of anxiety....

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ADHD, Adam, and Me

ADHD, Adam, and Me

I always wanted to be famous. I dreamt of dancing on Broadway. I practiced the speech I would give when my name was called at the Oscars. That didn't happen. I found fame on the Internet. In October of 2014, I submitted my weekly article to just as I had...

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